
Event Descriptions

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March 26, 2025 Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Syracuse

Nonprofit organizations do not get recognized enough for their own programs, leaders, and volunteers who make our community stronger. This event highlights the achievements of the honorees in each category, and the opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the Central New York nonprofit community.

2024 Event Gallery

2025 Event Supplement


"The CNY Business Journal and BizEventz are trusted resources for reliable information and connecting the Central New York business community. From Growing Global Sales to Healthy Syracuse to 40 Under FORTY, BizEventz addresses relevant topics with presentations and dynamic speakers. We are proud to have BizEventz and The CNY Business Journal as true partners in supporting the region's business community."
Robert Simpson
CenterState CEO
"For decades, Visual Technologies has been a proud supporter and sponsor of BizEventz award programs, celebrating Central New York and what makes it so special. I encourage everyone in the business community to take advantage of the opportunities offered by BizEventz and honor their best people and associations for recognition. Once you attend and celebrate with other friends, co-workers and professionals, you'll understand why Central New York is a great place to live and work."
David Foor
Visual Technologies Corporation


Picture of Jill Allen

Jill Allen

(315) 579-3917

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