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Amendment targets cyber security

GillibrandROME — An amendment passed by a Senate committee requires the U.S. Air Force to establish a strategy to strengthen America’s cyber security with new research and development from institutions such as the Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome.

The amendment, sponsored by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013. The bill now moves to the full Senate for a vote before being reconciled with the version passed by the House of Representatives.

“Cyber technology is playing an essential role in our national security and economic growth, with the Rome Research Lab leading the way in new innovation that I have seen firsthand,” Sen. Gillibrand said in a release announcing the measure. “If we’re going to protect our defense technology and keep America’s networks and infrastructure safe from attack, we need a thorough strategy for new research that can spark new technology. New York is home to cutting edge research institutions and the brightest minds that I know can meet the challenge.”


The 2013 Air Force budget includes $136 million for research and development for a broad range of cyber science and technology. That funding is down about 30 percent from 2012.

As part of Gillibrand’s amendment, the Air Force must detail its investment strategy for cyber technology within 180 days of it being signed into law.

The Air Force will need to at least indentify near-, mid-, and long-term science and technology priorities for cyber information-related technologies; lay out a transition strategy for the result of science and technology efforts into weapons systems; address how it will recruit and retain a skilled workforce in these areas; and address lab infrastructure and research facilities necessary for accomplishing the work.

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