HERKIMER — Annese & Associates, Inc. has relocated its headquarters from Herkimer to the Albany area, although the move doesn’t affect the company’s presence in Central New York.
Annese installs and maintains video, voice, and data networks. The company also provides services including remote monitoring of computer networks, management of energy systems, collaboration and video-conference services, and operation of wireless networks.
Annese’s Capital Region office is in Clifton Park and it’s the company’s largest with 36 people, Annese spokeswoman Christina Nordquist said in an email. The area is also home to Annese’s president Ray Apy and three of its four owners.

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In addition, New York state government accounts for a sizeable piece of Annese’s business, Nordquist said, so it made sense to move the headquarters to the Capital Region. The firm recently relocated to a new office in Clifton Park that is larger than its previous Albany location, she added.
The headquarters designation is just a formality, Nordquist said. Annese’s six-person office in Herkimer remains open. The location houses the company’s finance department and help desk.
Annese’s second largest office, with 21 people, is in Salina. The firm has one employee in Binghamton. Central New York is also home to the company’s fourth owner.
Annese employs 102 people companywide. Annese generated total revenue of $62 million in 2011.
Contact Tampone at ktampone@cnybj.com