Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
Small-Business Hiring: What the Big Deal?
How can I be sure I need to hire someone? What exactly does this “someone’ need to do? Where do I start looking? How do I know what to ask in an interview? What other options are available? These and many more questions may be swimming around in your head as a small-business owner thinking […]
As everyone knows, owning and operating a small business is risky. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), 50 percent of new businesses will survive five years or more. The percentage of businesses that will survive 10 or more years is only 33 percent. The probability of survival increases with the firm’s age. It
Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various business, career, digital, and personal tips: Robert Half MR @RobertHalfMR Quick #EmployeeRetention tip from @RobertHalfFA VP, Ky Kingsley. 8 more tips on how to reduce employee turnover: TheRecNetwork @TheRecNetwork1 What can you do to attract talented #Millennials to work for
A handful of recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various business, career, digital, and personal tips: Kelly Isley/Author @AdaptNowEditors How do
Why Leaders Need to Be Great Salespeople to Succeed
Whether it’s a CEO, a coach, or someone else whose job it is to motivate others, a great leader is at heart a good salesperson.
Survey examines generational differences in consumer involvement in health-care plans
Millennials are more involved than other generations in making health-care choices, including some that are costly for health-plan sponsors. That’s among the “key” findings on
Millennials May Be More Financially Savvy Than You Realize
Millennials came of age at a time when the job market was weak and their student-loan debt was high. Such a dreary combination did not
7 Differences Between Generation Z and Millennials As They Enter The Workforce
There’s a new generation in town and it’s one that employers better get ready for, because it’s 23 million strong and will be flooding the
An informed workforce can make your company more successful
I have seen many organizations so focused on delivering their messages to the local news, government officials, through social media and events, and in newsletters,
Principles for Financial Regulatory Reform
A robust financial system is central to our economic well-being. The financial crisis and the Great Recession wreaked havoc on millions of American households and
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.