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Business Mentors

How Business Leaders Can Inspire Purpose in Their Employees

In a tight basketball game’s closing seconds, a coach will huddle his players and draw up a play designed to result in a winning shot and victory. But, if just one teammate is disengaged, the play can go awry and the team falls short of accomplishing its purpose. Businesses have something in common with that […]

Why Team-Building Events are Effective

Employee reactions can be mixed when company leaders announce plans for a team-building activity that they hope will improve camaraderie and collaboration in the workplace. Some workers express enthusiasm and others indifference, but at least one-third inwardly groan. A Citrix study once showed that 31 percent of employees say they dislike team-building activities altogether. But


We Want Your Projects: Regional Council Opens New Round of Funding

The July 29 deadline to submit a consolidated Funding Application (CFA) for the sixth round of the Regional Economic Development Council is fast approaching. In this round, Governor Andrew Cuomo will award $750 million to fund regional priority projects across the state’s 10 regions. If you or your firm is considering an expansion project, I

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