Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
How Business Leaders Can Inspire Purpose in Their Employees
In a tight basketball game’s closing seconds, a coach will huddle his players and draw up a play designed to result in a winning shot and victory. But, if just one teammate is disengaged, the play can go awry and the team falls short of accomplishing its purpose. Businesses have something in common with that […]
23 Ways To Improve Your Sales Performance
Too many salespeople either fail completely or never really succeed because they think that selling is about them. It isn’t. It’s about the customers — and customers only. Here are 23 ways to improve your sales performance by getting better focused on customers. 1. Look for demons and dreamsIn other words, be alert to customers’
Why Team-Building Events are Effective
Employee reactions can be mixed when company leaders announce plans for a team-building activity that they hope will improve camaraderie and collaboration in the workplace. Some workers express enthusiasm and others indifference, but at least one-third inwardly groan. A Citrix study once showed that 31 percent of employees say they dislike team-building activities altogether. But
What’s hot in the food industry?
Trends for entrepreneurs to take note of: Changes in consumer eating habits are having a profound influence on the food industry. Throughout the U.S., consumers are increasingly labeling themselves not as calorie counters or being on a diet, but rather, as looking to eat clean, pure, and wholesome foods. Included in these currently popular dietary
Why Veterans Makes Topnotch Employees
Politicians call them heroes, and strangers thank them for their service. But when their enlistment comes to an end, veterans need more than a pat on the back as they return to civilian life. They need jobs. And increasingly, they seem to be getting them because the unemployment rate among veterans has been on the
No such thing, right? Yes, a business plan requires research in order to be a viable document. Better to write nothing than to waste time committing to paper a lot of thoughts, such as “I think,” “I assume,” and “I heard.” After all, this is your business you are describing; what do you know? There
We Want Your Projects: Regional Council Opens New Round of Funding
The July 29 deadline to submit a consolidated Funding Application (CFA) for the sixth round of the Regional Economic Development Council is fast approaching. In this round, Governor Andrew Cuomo will award $750 million to fund regional priority projects across the state’s 10 regions. If you or your firm is considering an expansion project, I
Millennials Push Employers for More Purpose in the Workplace
Millennials have something of a mixed reputation when it comes to work. Studies show that they aren’t loyal to employers so much as to the job itself. They also want to find a purpose to their careers beyond making money — which is a pretty good thing. Companies have had a front-row seat in recent
How to Add Sprinkles to Your Service
Remember the famous sales line, “I can get it for you fast, good, or cheap; pick two”? Today’s customers want all three, plus they want it unique. When entrepreneur Candace Nelson introduced a 24-hour, sprinkles cupcake ATM that delivers customers a personalized cupcake in 15 seconds, it was more than a successful novelty. It was
Writing the Next Chapter in Downtown’s Story
Recently, more than 350 members of the community joined CenterState CEO’s partner, the Downtown Committee of Syracuse, for its 2016 annual meeting. At the event, keynote speaker Patrick L. Phillips, global CEO of the Urban Land Institute, highlighted how changing demographics, public policy, and public-service delivery improvements have come together to create new vitality and
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.