Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT: Tackling COVID Fatigue in Your Administrative, Back-Office Staff
If you have attempted to schedule an appointment for your car, been but running errands, or have even just been to the drive-thru lane of your favorite fast-food joint lately, you have experienced the impact of the state of the 2022 job market. The shortage of workers we are experiencing spans across a broad spectrum […]
VIEWPOINT: Mandatory Arbitration of Workplace Sexual- Harassment Claims to be Prohibited
On Feb. 10, 2022, the United States Senate passed [by voice vote] H.R. 4445 — the “Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021,” also known as the “#MeToo Bill.” [Editor’s note: The U.S. House of Representatives approved the same legislation on Feb. 7, by a vote of 335-97.] The #MeToo
SMALL BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Barbagallo’s: A Family Business Success Story
DeWITT — This is a story about opportunity, stepping up to challenges and persevering in the face of adversity. The year was 1972. Al Barbagallo and his brothers had been picking vegetables and tomatoes on their father’s farm for several summers, even into their adult years. The farm, located on acreage bordering East Molloy Road
VIEWPOINT: 5 Tips to Help Block Blue Light in a More Remote World
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of digital devices has surged significantly as people spend more time at home, with Americans logging an average of 13 hours per day watching screens. That compares to between seven and 10 hours per day before the pandemic started, with the increase in screen time likely contributing to
I live like a caveman. Despite my modern home, two cars, multiple technological devices, and a nice wardrobe, I am no more than a fancy mammal — granted, one who doesn’t have to kill what my family eats, thanks to Wegmans. But human mammals have always, according to many scientific theories, processed 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day, many of
CEO FOCUS: Highlighting Our Regional Economic Opportunities
Already, 2022 is off to an incredible start. Our economic-development pipeline remains strong, and our team has been exceptionally busy working with partners to align resources to projects that will transform our community. Our Syracuse Surge partners and Economic Inclusion team is kicking off several training programs to connect talent to in-demand jobs. Our Racial Equity and
STRATEGIC MINUTE: Keep an Active Communications Strategy Even When Things Are Quiet
Public relations and communications professionals are most popular during times of stress. When rhythms are off and out of synch, organizations rely on expertise to develop thoughtful messages, navigate crises, and chart clear paths forward. But, when there are lulls in turbulence, the value of public relations is often overlooked; or worse, mistakenly reduced in budgets,
VIEWPOINT: The Cold Call is Dead & the Informed Call has Emerged
Say goodbye to the out-of-the-blue, icy interruptions of years past. The cold call is dead. We are entering the age of the informed call, a better way to sell over the phone. The informed call, a warmer approach to B2B lead generation, delivers a hard-core punch in a way the old model of cold calling simply
VIEWPOINT: Ask Rusty: Is my analysis of our SS benefits correct?
Dear Rusty: I am 63 and my wife is exactly 4 ½ years younger than me to the day. I plan to file for Social Security when I turn 70. My earnings history is considerably higher than my wife’s. I talked with a person at the local Social Security office, and she suggested that my
VIEWPOINT: Ask Rusty: Will Our SS Benefits Ever Be Non-Taxable?
Dear Rusty: If we take our Social Security (SS) benefits at our full retirement age (66 years and 6 months for both of us) and we both continue to work, what are the income-tax consequences? Is there an age at which we can still work and draw Social Security without tax consequences on our benefits?
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.