Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
4 Factors to Consider Before Buying an Essential Business in COVID Times
The shutdowns and rollbacks of businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to play havoc with the U.S. economy. But the least-affected businesses during the crisis, for the most part, have been those deemed “essential” by state and local governments, allowing those companies to remain fully operational or close to it. Meanwhile, with the idea […]
How to Keep Going When You Want It All to Go Away
How long will the Damocles Sword of the coronavirus pandemic hang over our heads? As the days drag on, will it threaten to upend us indefinitely? Even though we try to avoid thinking about the troubling possibilities, they keep creeping into our minds, creating more stress, clouding our ability to stay focused, and leaving us
Viewpoint: Leaders Are Readers
When I went to grade school in the 1970s, the curriculum was still based on “The 3 R’s” of Readin’, wRitin’ and ‘Rithmatic.” These cornerstone fundamentals of education were not my favorite and of the three, I gravitated the most to reading. Like so many others, I enjoyed the adventure of new places, people, and
Viewpoint: How Businesses Can Avoid Becoming Irrelevant in a Changing World
The business world has produced a veritable graveyard of once magificently successful companies that came, conquered, and thrived — but ultimately perished. In many cases, those businesses share a common reason for their demise: Times changed. They didn’t. I have always been fond of the saying that if you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance
Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering small business, COVID-19, HR, and leadership tips. SBA @SBAgovAre you interested in taking export training workshops but can’t afford it? SBA’s State Trade Expansion Program can help! Learn more at Jumbiz @JumbizNews6 Easy Ways Your Small Business Can Save Money This
Court in New York holds that portions of FFCRA regulations exceeded statutory authority
On Aug. 3, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York held that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) exceeded its statutory authority by promulgating certain regulations implementing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). The FFCRA, which was enacted on March 18, is one of the major relief statutes passed
The “Musts” To Make Meetings Safer In The Age Of COVID-19
Large corporate meetings and industry events, so much a part of the American business ecosystem, remain on hold, have been postponed, or have been cancelled altogether. When they will happen again is anybody’s guess. COVID-19’s spikes in many states have prompted pauses and rollbacks to business re-openings and shifted large gatherings further out into the future.
The Future of the Land Brokerage Industry
Virtually all businesses are now having to quickly pivot to meet the expectations of their consumers amid the coronavirus pandemic. The rapidly changing land brokerage industry, which has been impacted by technological advancements and changing consumer behavior, is among them. Pandemic helping catalyze technology’s disruption of the land brokerage industry Even before COVID-19, the impact technology
Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering small business, COVID-19, HR, and leadership tips. SBA @SBAgovThe U.S. government awards at least 3% of all federal contracting dollars to small businesses in historically underutilized business zones. Read this fact sheet to learn how you can participate: More about #HUBZone:
4 Lessons from Coronavirus for Improving Work Performance
“The comfort zone is the dead zone,” states Mike Manes, a business consultant in New Iberia, Louisiana. If we have learned anything so far this year, it’s that an unseen — but deadly — force kicked us out of our comfort zone — way out. Although the pressure is on to put the coronavirus behind
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.