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Business Mentors

SMALL BIZ SPOTLIGHT: Tom’s Natural Foods in Clinton transitions to new ownership

SMALL BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT CLINTON, N.Y. — The community of Clinton has been the home of Tom’s Natural Foods (originally known as Whole Earth Natural Foods) at 16 College St. for almost 50 years.  Any business with such a long run of success is undoubtedly going to reach a time for succession, where the owners are […]


Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering small business, COVID-19, HR, and leadership tips. NFIB @NFIBFrom NFIB’s July #SmallBiz Optimism Index: “Nearly a quarter of small business owners said they will have to close if economic conditions do not improve over the next six months. Another 22% warned they


How to Keep Going When You Want It All to Go Away

How long will the Damocles Sword of the coronavirus pandemic hang over our heads? As the days drag on, will it threaten to upend us indefinitely? Even though we try to avoid thinking about the troubling possibilities, they keep creeping into our minds, creating more stress, clouding our ability to stay focused, and leaving us

Viewpoint: Leaders Are Readers

When I went to grade school in the 1970s, the curriculum was still based on “The 3 R’s” of Readin’, wRitin’ and ‘Rithmatic.” These cornerstone fundamentals of education were not my favorite and of the three, I gravitated the most to reading. Like so many others, I enjoyed the adventure of new places, people, and


Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering small business, COVID-19, HR, and leadership tips. SBA @SBAgovAre you interested in taking export training workshops but can’t afford it? SBA’s State Trade Expansion Program can help! Learn more at Jumbiz @JumbizNews6 Easy Ways Your Small Business Can Save Money This

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