Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
Slow, Strategic, Safe: Preparing for a Return to the Workplace
“The worst economy ever,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently said. Let that sink in for a moment. More than 30 million workers have filed for unemployment benefits in the last six weeks. Emerging data is shedding light on just how dis-equitably the economic pain is being distributed throughout our communities, with many of the […]
Three Rules for Connecting in a Crisis
Silence can be a dangerous strategy for companies right now, but striking the right tone in communications isn’t easy. Here are three rules for staying connected through the crisis. In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, no business wants to strike the wrong note with customers, employees, or the public. Marketing may seem like an irrelevant
New York Enacts Paid Sick-Leave Law
The budget bill signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on April 3, includes an amendment to the Labor Law that requires New York employers to provide sick leave to employees. The legislation becomes effective 180 days after it was enacted, which appears to be Sept. 30, 2020. The amount of sick leave an employer is required to
Is Your Company’s Bench Deep Enough During Difficult Times?
In the uncertain times that COVID-19 produced, business leaders were forced to face the fact that employees might not be available every day to do their jobs. That is either because of their own health concerns or because they were scrambling to make child-care arrangements because of school closings. And, as the economy takes a
How to be an informed consumer of polling and survey data
We live in a world awash with polling and survey data. Any time you read or watch the news, you are likely to encounter a story reporting the results of a public-opinion poll. That is especially true in 2020, being both an election year and a period of intense opinion-research activity related to the coronavirus.
Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering small business, COVID-19, HR, and career tips. Small Business Expo @SmallBizExpo5 Small Business Trends to Pay Attention to in 2020 IRS Small Biz @IRSsmallbiz#IRS reminder: Employers who provide paid family and medical leave to their employees may claim a tax credit
How To Make Smart Marketing Decisions Through a Pandemic
Exploring the Five Rs In the midst of the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic, many companies may be facing uncertainty around their advertising and public-relations strategies. With changing budgets, staffing, and environments, it is essential to foster appropriate communication between your business and your customers. Below are the five steps to making smart marketing decisions during and
The Only Message Customers Want from You Right Now
It only took the pandemic a couple of weeks to turn it all upside down — including marketing and sales. And along with it has come an endless tsunami of email messages flooding consumer email mailboxes. It was war with 50 percent to 80 percent off sales, “Lowest prices ever,” “Free shipping & Free returns,” “Final
How Working Capital can Help Small Businesses Cover Immediate Costs
Companies of all sizes, across most industries, are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. With businesses mandated to pause or restructure, owners are facing layoffs, reduced (or depleted) revenue, and potential closure. During this downtime, it’s critical for business owners to make financial viability a top priority so they can position themselves
The Shifting Future of Banking
In this digital age of speed and convenience, bank branches remain valuable to customers. The number of U.S. bank branches has shrunk by more than 3,000 since 2010, yet most customers still regularly rely on physical banks to make deposits, withdraw money, and even pay bills. Branches also provide easy access to banking services, which is
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.