Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
Business Property Owners: Are You Making the Tax Law Work for You?
Various tax law changes have drastically altered tax deductions in favor of property owners in recent years. In 2013, the final tangible property regulations were released, and in late 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed, which added the qualified business income deduction (Section 199A). The deprecation deduction has become extremely favorable for the […]
Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, tech, HR, and personal tips. SBA @SBAgovDid you know that 1 out of every 5 American jobs is tied to exports. Explore #exporting with SBA — Strategic Watch @Strategic_WatchWhat Does a Good Startup Idea Look Like? #Entrepreneur #SmallBiz #Startup
Employment Law Through the Philosophy of a Martial-Arts Practitioner
I [recently] found myself in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu class with a 250-pound, musclebound gentleman sitting on my chest trying to do rather unkind things to my neck and vulnerable joints. While this was certainly not the most opportune time to be thinking about how to parlay this situation into a blog article, it did occur to
Business Betrayals: Protecting Yourself From Workplace Treachery
Betrayal in business can come in many forms. A supervisor who gives specific directions for a project, then lays the blame squarely on you when things go awry. An employee who fails to inform you of a high-end client’s unhappiness, leaving you blindsided and feeling the CEO’s wrath when the client cancels a contract. In such scenarios,
So You’re Not The Boss? Here’s How You Can Still Be A Leader
Are leaders born or are they developed? It’s a subject that’s long been debated. And in the workplace, can an employee who holds no supervisory job title be an effective leader — before being entrusted with managing people? I say yes, and that it’s almost mandatory if someone hopes to be ready as a leader
Could You Outlive Your Retirement Funds?
3 ways to strategize with a fiduciary People are living longer, and as wonderful as that news is to many, there is a possible downside: outliving your money in retirement. It’s a very large fear that many people have today. Most retirement plans have not incorporated the longevity risk. And without mitigating that, many middle-class
I’m an economist, so I naturally have a fascination with data, statistics, and what we can learn from them. But the reason I find economics so interesting isn’t the numbers or the charts — it’s how they shape the everyday lives of people. And that’s the reason running a Federal Reserve Bank is such a privilege.
What is a bank’s role in community financial literacy
Financial literacy is defined as possessing the financial expertise needed to make healthy financial choices. It’s a topic that is extremely important for all ages, but often can be overlooked. As a financial institution, how can a bank contribute to the financial literacy and continued learning of its customers and its community? The need is apparent,
Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, tech, HR, career, and personal tips. SBA @SBAgovKnowing your customer is a vital part of effectively selling your product or service. Launch SBA’s free online training for tools and resources to understand your customer and increase sales — NFIB @NFIBIf
What Buying Habits Tell Marketers About Each Generation
Each generation has unique experiences, lifestyles, and demographics that influence their buying behaviors, financial experts say. And studies show these distinguishing factors often lead to different spending habits between generations. As a result, many companies are reaching out to consumers and trying to understand — and gain the attention of — these diverse buyers. This type
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.