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Using financial ratios to detect problems in nonprofits

“This survival of the fittest implies multiplication of the fittest.” — Herbert Spencer If I told you that virtually every Federal and state government Funding source is evaluating and monitoring the fiscal health and financial viability of your nonprofit organization, would you believe me? If I asked the question above just five years ago, the answer would

CNY Tweets – November 5, 2018

Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, tech, marketing, HR, and career tips. SBA @SBAgovYou have a business idea. So, what’s next? Take these first step:  Rebecca Newenham @GetAheadVARunning a business is hard but don’t give up! Success could be just round the corner #entrepreneur #smallbiz Linda

5 Issues You Face When Inheriting a House

The death of legendary singer-songwriter Aretha Franklin in August initially posed a quandary for her four surviving sons. Because she didn’t leave a will, her $80 million fortune — including Franklin’s numerous real-estate holdings — likely will take longer to divide, and the process could become complicated. Although Franklin’s sons appointed her niece to execute the


CNY Tweets – October 29, 2018

Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, tech, marketing, HR, and career tips. SBA @SBAgovShould your business get involved in an awareness campaign? These are just a few ideas for attracting attention to both your business and your awareness cause —  Melton & Melton, LLP @MeltonandMeltonProductivity for

CNY Tweets – October 22, 2018

Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, tech, HR, and career tips. Katie Mazzocco @FSProductivityDo quick “side trips” to social media, videos or games cause you to lose track of your day, #entrepreneur? Here’s my solution to get back the time lost in your #smallbiz. > PrestigeBizCoach

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