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Business Mentors

CNY Tweets-April 16, 2018

Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, marketing, HR, career, personal, and social-media/tech tips. SBA @SBAgovApril is #FinancialLiteracyMonth. Get financially fit this month by taking SBA’s free training exercise on financing options for #smallbiz — Bonadio Group @bonadiogroupHow to Create a Small Business Budget: Dave Hall […]

New York State Park Investments Continue

In recent years, New York State has made significant investments in our State parks. Specifically, additional funding has assisted in improvements at parks statewide and includes everything from playground equipment, entryways, beach areas, trails, and restroom facilities. Not only were many of these upgrades necessary because of age and preservation of our resources, but they

CNY Tweets – April 9, 2018

Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, marketing, HR, career, personal, and social-media/tech tips. SBA @SBAgovSmall businesses often don’t have the in-house resources to locate reputable overseas partners. Learn how to find international buyers … . #export Kevin Razawich @KRazawichA new article I wanted to share: The Differences


CNY tweets-March 19 2018 Issue

Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various business, HR, career, personal, and social-media/tech tips. SBA @SBAgov Should you consider business-to-business or B2B franchise opportunities? This blog will help you determine if you’re a fit Jive Communications @GetJive10 #tips to dealing with angry #customers: NFIB @NFIBMost marketing campaigns are focused

Old or New, Clutter Cutting Still Reigns

The debate between traditional and modern is an age-old one. We see it in architecture, fashion trends, and restaurant styles. Opposing sides either lean on the comfortably familiar or are energized and lured by the new, daring techniques.  In marketing too, the debate between the traditional and modern rages now more than ever. At its

Strategic Changes for Closing More Sales

For most of us, what we learn first sticks with us for a long time —often throughout our lives. That includes nursery rhymes, along with what we consider right and wrong. The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree. It happens to salespeople, too. Because our early training is indelible, it stays with us to

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