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Business Mentors

Start 2018 with a Business Checkup

First, talk to your banker about your company’s financial status Making predictions is never easy, especially for small-business owners and managers. Unlike their larger counterparts, small firms rarely have the resources to monitor and take corrective action for every new trend and issue. Even entrepreneurs who’ve experienced numerous business cycles face new circumstances that confound […]

CNY Tweets-January 29, 2018

Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, HR, career, and digital/social media tips. NFIB @NFIBInterested in buying a franchise, but don’t know where to start? These tips can help you choose a successful #franchise: SBA @SBAgovAre you an established #smallbiz owner looking to grow your

Cooperatives Rising: The Spark and Push

Democratically owned and operated businesses are still a relatively little understood segment of the economy in Central New York. But with initiatives underway statewide, the potential for employee-owned enterprises (EOEs) to bloom shows promise. This is considered an approach that can help control the “widening wealth gap, and displacement of people from neighborhoods,” according to

CNY tweets – 1/22/18

Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various small business, HR, career, and digital/social media tips. Veem @GoVeemKeep your #SMB goals on track this year by checking out these 3 tools! by @NFIB Gene Marks @genemarksWith @SamsClub closing 63 stores across the country, #smallbiz is looking at some


CNY tweets – 1/15/18

Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various business, career, personal, and digital/social media tips. NFIB @NFIBNew year, new skills? These free (or low-cost) #smallbiz #elearning courses can help you build new talents, strengthen your leadership, and more: Metric5‏ @Metric_5Getting ready to follow your dreams? Check this article from

Five Ways to Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet

1. Try something new. In their “Habits Across the Lifespan” study, Duke University researchers found that nearly half of human behaviors are habit-based, regardless of age. For example, we not only have favorite restaurants, but we also tend to choose the same menu items over-and-over again. It’s the same in business. After receiving a promotion, Carrie’s boss

CNY tweets – 1/8/18

Here are some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various New Year’s, small business, marketing, career, and web/SEO tips. SBA @SBAgov#HappyNewYear from all of us at the SBA! If you’re thinking about starting a business in 2018, follow these 10 steps — NFIB‏ @NFIBFinance experts share what #smallbiz owners should

Crisis Communications for a 24/7 News Cycle

It’s not a matter of if, but when. Today, every organizations operates in a complicated world, and the chances of something going wrong, and needing a carefully worded and positioned response at some point, is inevitable.  To help prepare for this eventuality, communications professionals and organization leaders should consider five key factors to successfully navigate

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