Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
Progress Evident as CNY Advances Broad Approach to Leading UAS Industry
The breadth and depth of the progress made by partners of the region’s unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) sector was on full display in July. From exciting technological advancements to ensure the safe integration of drones in the nation’s airspace, to creating educational opportunities to prepare a local workforce, to the use of drones for a […]
Divorce and Business Assets: What You Need to Know
Divorce can be challenging, stressful, and wrought with emotion. In circumstances where one or both spouses have business interests to protect, it can also be complicated. Whether you have spent years building your business, or perhaps inherited a family business, you have invested and sacrificed greatly to ensure its success. Chances are you don’t want
Baby-Boomer-Owned Businesses in Transition
With more than 50 percent of all businesses with employees currently in the ownership hands of the Baby Boomer Generation, our society is poised to experience one of the greatest transfers of capital ever. In New York state alone, that translates to 181,370 businesses employing 1.6 million people (according to a Project Equity report using
New York adopts final Paid Family Leave regulations
Answering some common employer questions The New York Workers’ Compensation Board on July 19 published its final regulations implementing the New York Paid Family Leave Law (PFL). The final regulations largely mirror the proposed regulations issued on May 24, but the board provided further clarification in certain areas. For example, in its commentary, the board
3 Ways to Make Company Priorities More Clear to your Employees
Good communication is a key to success in any endeavor. Yet in the business world there is often the sort of “failure to communicate” referenced in the movie “Cool Hand Luke.” That failure in the movie resulted in the premature demise of the hero. In real life, when leaders are unclear about their expectations, employees
Millennials: Plan For Retirement Now or Pay the Price Later
Millennials are a stressed-out generation. A study by the American Psychological Association reported that the group of Americans in their early 20s to late 30s came in at a 5.4 stress level on a scale of 1-10, higher than the average American at 4.9. Among the things keeping them up at night are the predictions
Some recent tweets that came across the @cnybj Twitter feed, offering various business, career, and personal tips: Do you have an executive summary for your #smallbiz? Get tips on how to create one: SBA @SBAgov The more work you do in understanding your business, the better you will be #business #tips #success Jean-Pierre
A chat with Samaritan Medical Center’s Carman
Editor’s Note: CNY Executive Q&A is a feature appearing regularly in The Central New York Business Journal, authored by guest writer Jeff Knauss, who is co-founder of his own digital-marketing firm. In each edition, Knauss chats with a different executive at a Central New York business or nonprofit, with the interview transcript appearing in a conversational
3 Ways to Help Employees Weather a Business Storm Cycle
The modern economy is in a constant state of change, which means businesses — large and small — must move quickly in response to market shifts. Even the strongest companies will cycle through good times and bad. Bringing out the best in employees is a challenge in even the best of times. According to Gallup,
Thinking about driving for Uber? Tax planning for your new business
Upstate New York has finally joined the rest of the country and now allows ride-sharing companies to operate in the area. After much dispute, lawmakers agreed to a 4 percent sales tax on each fare for the state’s general fund, plus an additional 2.5 percent surcharge for workers’ compensation. Although Uber will handle collecting and
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.