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Employee Benefits & Human Resources

N.Y. adopts regulations implementing paid family-leave law

New York has adopted regulations implementing the state’s paid family-leave law. The regulations outline the mandates on employers and insurance carriers in implementing the paid family-leave program. The program is mandatory for nearly all private employers — any employer with one additional employee. Public employers may opt into the program. Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, employers […]

Hancock Estabrook starts student-loan repayment- assistance program

SYRACUSE — Syracuse law firm Hancock Estabrook, LLP has started a student-loan repayment-assistance program for its younger attorneys.  “All of our younger attorneys — our associates and junior partners — are eligible to participate in this program,” says Janet Callahan, the firm’s managing partner, noting that it went into effect in May. Callahan spoke with

DFS launches online relicensing for agents, brokers seeking a return to business in N.Y.

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has launched a new online-application process it says will “speed the relicensing” of insurance agents and brokers whose original licenses have been expired for more than two years. The online relicensing process is available to property/casualty and life and/or accident/health insurance agents and brokers, as well


Think Outside the Benefits Box to Attract and Keep Top Talent

We’ve all heard the stories about Fortune 500 companies offering incredible employee perks. Google feeds its people free gourmet meals throughout the day and offers daycare, Starbucks covers full tuition for eligible employees to earn a bachelor’s degree through Arizona State University’s online program, and Netflix boasts unlimited vacation time. Not everyone can compete with what

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