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Employee Benefits & Human Resources


Workforce report: Demand for nonclinical and frontline health-care roles remains high

A year after the launch of the federal and state health-care exchanges, current demand and future projections remain high for frontline and nonclinical health-care workers whose jobs have been expanded in number and scope. That’s according to a newly released workforce-trend report by the nonprofit College for America at Southern New Hampshire University. The eight-page

Failing to Plan

“What is the best use of my time right now?” The famous question posed by author Alan Lakein, and the related response, “goal setting and planning,” captures the essence nicely.  For the typical business owner, “planning” brings to mind income-tax planning, or perhaps sales planning, or even budget planning. While all of these are important,

How Homeowner Policies Affect Your Home-Based Business

From a technological standpoint, running a business from home has never been easier. Smart phones, email, fax machines, the Internet, skyping, have all led to a major surge in what have been termed “homepreneurs.” It’s believed more than half of all U.S. businesses are based out of an owner’s home. Unfortunately, many of these people

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