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Energy, Environment & Sustainability


Ithaca company banks on greener hydrogen production process

ITHACA, N.Y. — With help from a $720,000 award from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), Ecolectro, Inc., hopes to develop a cleaner, greener way of making hydrogen. Hydrogen doesn’t exist readily as a free gas but rather bonded to other elements like oxygen. It’s important because it’s used in any


Cornell, tomPhyzx LLC among Microelectronics Innovation Challenge winners

ITHACA, N.Y. — Those winning grant money in the New York State Microelectronics Innovation Challenge included Cornell University working in partnership with a company located in Yates County. The project involving Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR) Corporate Partnership & Innovation (OVPRI) and tomPhyzx LLC in Dundee was awarded $60,000 from the Jeff Lawrence Innovation

NY Green Building Conference

NYS Green Building Conference coming to Syracuse in late March

SYRACUSE — The 23rd annual New York State Green Building Conference will include a series of presentations by top green-building researchers, educators, and practitioners. The event is set for March 27-28 at the Marriott Syracuse Downtown, says Syracuse University’s Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems (SyracuseCoE). The conference aims to bring together leading

Heidi Grenek

Upstate N.Y. Energy Storage Engine COO begins position

VESTAL — The Upstate New York Energy Storage Engine, led by Binghamton University, in January appointed Heidi Grenek as its chief operating officer (COO). She is responsible for leading the Engine’s operational strategy — overseeing day-to-day operations, financial planning, and budgeting; providing compliance and regulatory oversight; and developing and implementing strategies to drive overall programmatic

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