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Law, Accounting & Taxes

NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT: Bidding good bye with a primer on value-based payments

“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.”   — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The time has come to pass the torch to the next generation of Bonadio Health- and human-service experts. After publishing columns in The Central New York Business Journal (CNYBJ) for 13 years, I will continue my love of writing […]

VIEWPOINT: Efficacy of grantor trusts under proposed tax law

Focusing on provisions that affect estate-planning strategies In September 2021, the U.S. House says and Means Committee released draft legislation intended to raise revenue to fund the proposed trillion-dollar budget-reconciliation bill (originally proposed at $3.5 trillion, but now set to be scaled down). Included in the draft legislation are numerous proposals that would affect both personal and


Comptroller says Medicaid billing errors cost state more than $1.5 billion

“Troubling errors like the ones routinely identified by my auditors are extremely costly. They can also put patients at risk,” DiNapoli said in announcing the reports. “By not fixing problems with the Department of Health’s eMedNY system and other issues, hundreds of millions of dollars more in taxpayer dollars could be misspent and unqualified providers

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