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Small Business

AIS patent

Assured Information Security is awarded its 22nd patent

ROME — The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has recently issued Assured Information Security (AIS) a new patent for a new method of determining the location of radio-frequency (RF) emitters including Wi-Fi routers, wireless laptops, walkie-talkies, garage-door openers, and more. This latest patent raises AIS’s total number of patents to 22 with multiple others pending,


Naturally Lewis

Naturally Lewis is accepting applications for Launch Lewis County grant program

LOWVILLE, N.Y. — Naturally Lewis, the economic-development agency in Lewis County, says it’s accepting applications for the Launch Lewis County grant program until May 15. In partnership with Lewis County, Naturally Lewis has $300,000 and is seeking entrepreneurs who are looking to start their businesses that will “enhance the quality of life for residents and

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