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Small Business


Corso’s Cookies poised for more growth

GEDDES — Walk down the aisle of any supermarket, and you will find kosher certification on products from Oreos to Coca-Cola. More than $150 billion of kosher-certified products are consumed annually and spending on kosher products is rising dramatically. Beware Oreos: On Mother’s Day, Corso’s Cookies received kosher certification from the Orthodox Union. This is just

Empire Brewing seeks federal money for bottling facility

SYRACUSE — Empire Brewing Company in Syracuse’s Armory Square is working to build its Empire Farmstead Brewery in Cazenovia to grow hops and create a bottling facility. Empire Brewing, a Syracuse–based brewer of handcrafted ales and lagers, would use the facility to bottle its own beer for the first time in the company’s 20-year history.

Friendship leads to partnership at Daughter for Hire, LLC

WHITESBORO — Kathleen Rutishauser and Denise Flihan have known each other since the mid-1990s when their daughters were in the same ballet class. Each has a “strong” business-development background, says Flihan, and they now co-own a business that Rutishauser launched in late 2012. Daughter for Hire, LLC, a firm that operates from Rutishauser’s home in

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