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Start a Company, Damn it!

Change. Get used to it at a much greater rate than you ever have had to before. The United States can no longer sit back and live off its past. If you are a U.S. citizen, you should make a strong mental note that there is a large bulls-eye on your back. And who is […]

After the Newtown tragedy: Shooting from the hip

On the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fired four bullets into his mother’s head. Nancy Lanza was at home in her Newtown, Conn. residence, lying in bed clad in her pajamas. Lanza then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School where 456 children were enrolled. At the school, he killed 20 children and

Head Start: history’s most expensive baby-sitting program

“It’s not whether an idea is liberal or conservative, but whether it works.”— President Barack Obama on funding education: On the weekend before this past Christmas, while Americans eagerly anticipated Santa Claus’s arrival, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its latest report on its Head Start research. Head Start is a federal

We need to start thinking of the future of our country

To the Publisher: Hi Norm, I thoroughly enjoyed your recent article (Jan. 4 issue, Norm Poltenson editorial, entitled “Uncle Sam’s Ponzi finance”) on the federal government’s Ponzi scheme. It got me thinking about what has happened to us as a nation. As we listened to the pleas from the New York and New Jersey politicians


The Winning Traits of Female Entrepreneurs

The great divide among the sexes is one of the biggest enigmas in business. No, I am not referring to the disproportionately high number of males in the executive ranks. I am speaking of the higher number of successful female entrepreneurs versus male entrepreneurs. Successful companies have 7.1 percent female executives versus 3.1 percent at

Uncle Sam’s Ponzi finance

There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation … One is by sword … The other is by debt. — John Adams   Blame it on Otto von Bismarck, the first German Chancellor. In 1889, he introduced the concept of social insurance by creating a retirement program. No dummy he, the “Iron Chancellor,”

A New Way to Measure Prosperity: Counting Jobs Destroyed

Everyone is focused on how many jobs America creates. Every month, we wait breathlessly for the U.S. and state labor bureaus to release the latest data on the economy’s employment status. An army of statisticians labors to analyze every facet: how many new jobs were created, the rate of unemployment, participation of workers in the

Motherhood, apple pie, and school staffing

Growing up, I was taught that two things were sacrosanct — motherhood and apple pie. Education has added a third item: ever expanding, K-12 public-school staffing. In 1950, I was in the seventh grade when the clamor began to increase the number of teachers and reduce the ratio of pupils to teachers. The teaching “professionals”

Low interest rates: Who are the losers?

Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve Chairman, reminds us frequently why he has chosen to continue low interest rates and easy money — to boost the economy and encourage investing. He notes the advantage to those paying mortgages and the incentive it provides to stimulate the rebound of the “home industry.” Exporters applaud Quantitative Easing (an

The Middle Class as Claimants

A democracy … can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that point on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy … The American Republic

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