Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
Highly Skilled Manufacturing, Agribusiness Could Catalyze a Thriving Finger Lakes Economy
Part of what makes the Finger Lakes area so exceptional is its potential to be an economic generator for all of New York. The fertile farmland throughout the region, paired with a growing demand for highly skilled manufacturing, could add up to a real catalyst for the state’s economy. There is tremendous opportunity here to […]
The Great Con of the Comptroller Job
The great con job is on again — with your taxpayer dollars. And if you are in the state pension system, it is with your retirement dollars. The con is pretty much the same as the con the mobsters pull with union pension dollars.The con is this. The comptroller of New York City (the
What to do About the Upstate Economy?
A few weeks ago, the governor proposed what he is dubbing the Tax-Free NY Program. Understanding that his success as governor greatly depends on whether he can provide the leadership to help turn around New York’s languishing economy, Cuomo is pushing the legislature to pass what he calls “a game-changing initiative.” I disagree with the
Hey Upstate New York: Embrace Failure
I’m not a big fan of gossip. I just look at it as a big waste of time. Even though I’m not that interested, I’m not oblivious to the fact that it drives discussion among many people. Most of the time, when gossip takes over, I just become a fly on the wall. The juicy
Mix red and blue colors and you get a purple byproduct. The same thing happened when Republicans (red) and Democrats (blue) in Congress offered up their latest versions of the farm bill. The last farm bill was authorized in 2008 and projected spending $604 billion over 10 years. The new House and Senate agricultural-committee versions
What Happened to Common Sense?
I recently read an article in USA Today that described the deteriorating quality of job candidates as millennials begin to enter the workforce. The problems
Budget Misses Opportunity to Move State Ahead
The 2013-14 New York State budget passed with total spending at $141.2 billion. Overall, we missed our opportunity to create a better state and left things status quo. We missed the chance to make our state friendlier to all businesses and provide real relief for taxpayers. Instead, we extended energy taxes for all residents, while
The world is in turmoil. North Korea is rattling its nuclear sword more than usual. The Iranians are speeding up their drive to develop nuclear weapons as the major world powers engage in endless monologue, despite Israel’s warning that the Iranians are only months away. Syria’s Assad has crossed President Barack Obama’s red line by
Have you ever noticed you are governed by a ruling class? This is an elite group. You might liken them to the aristocrats of olde England. The lords and ladies and sirs and muckamucks. These are folks who simply know it is their job to govern us. Does not matter what their qualifications are for
Will Your HR Department Withstand a Government Audit?
Woody Allen once quipped “confidence is what you have before you understand the problem.” The 10 words sum up what many businesses, including middle-market and small companies, are starting to feel as 2013 brings in broader workplace requirements for employers and hard-line enforcement by government agencies. A few news items to think about: § The
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.