Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
If you do not live in a “swing state,” the candidates for the White House don’t want to know you. I guess that is a bit harsh. They do want your money. For their campaign war chests. But more than that? Fugettaboutit. They will not be running their campaign commercials in your state. They will […]
Young people, pay homage to the most recent heroes. Emulate them. Follow in their footsteps. Learn to cheat, and someday the rest of us may honor you. That seems to be the message lately. Recently, New York Congressman Charlie Rangel won his primary election (although as of press time that victory was in question as
Thruway Toll Hike Is A Road To Fewer Jobs, Weaker Economy
On May 30, the New York State Thruway Authority voted to hike tolls by 45 percent on certain trucks, the first step in its toll-hike approval process. If approved, the increase would lead to fewer jobs, a weaker economy, and higher prices for New York consumers. The proposed 45 percent toll increase will make it
Only Government Could Pay $51.71 an Hour to Pick Up Debris
As old and jaded as I am, government never fails to amaze me with its bureaucratic rigidity and disregard for the taxpayer. E.J. McMahon, of the Empire Center for New York State Policy, just highlighted yet another example of government waste and regulatory idiocy. Last summer, Poughkeepsie’s Fallkill Creek sustained damage from flooding caused by
Tidy your house. Stash the beer cans. Guess who is stopping by without notice? Your big brother. If you say you don’t have one, I have news for you. There was news recently about a computer virus called Flame. It has burrowed its way into computers in the Middle East — especially computers in Iran.
Newsflash: Obama is tightfisted with taxpayer dollars
I felt like Rip Van Winkle, waking up from a 20-year sleep and seeing a world I didn’t recognize. On May 22, Rex Nutting, the international commentary editor for MarketWatch, a financial website affiliated with the Wall Street Journal, published a column entitled “Obama spending binge never happened.” The author posited that he had reviewed
A Road Map for Presidents and CEOs
The most important decision executives make is who they name as manager, at all levels in a company. — Randall J. Beck, Gallup CFO asks his CEO, “What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave the company?” CEO answers, “What happens if we don’t, and they stay?” Are you
Train Wreck for the Economy? Not if Congress Follows Small-Business Model
Although the presidential campaign is increasingly clogging the nation’s news outlets with partisan tit-for-tat, there is a nasty political struggle in Europe these days that should be getting equal air time for it could affect Americans’ lives even more than November’s election results. Across the Atlantic, some nations are facing bankruptcy. Unemployment is rising, banks
“What do you mean, there is more to regulatory compliance than Medicaid or Medicare?” “Why do these government enforcement agencies keep pestering us?” “Don’t they know our budgets are tight and we don’t have time or money for self-policing ourselves?” If you could be a fly on the wall, you could have heard the above
Occupational fraud: How it happens
This article is part two of a three-part series, called Fighting Fraud (the first article appeared in the April 2 issue of The Central New York Business Journal.) In this series, we will define occupational fraud, review statistics of the incidence of fraud, identify red flags, and discuss types of fraud, and the steps employers
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.