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A Road Map for Presidents and CEOs

The most important decision executives make is who they name as manager, at all levels in a company.  — Randall J. Beck, Gallup    CFO asks his CEO, “What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave the company?” CEO answers, “What happens if we don’t, and they stay?” Are you […]

Compliance Efforts

“What do you mean, there is more to regulatory compliance than Medicaid or Medicare?”  “Why do these government enforcement agencies keep pestering us?” “Don’t they know our budgets are tight and we don’t have time or money for self-policing ourselves?” If you could be a fly on the wall, you could have heard the above

Occupational fraud: How it happens

This article is part two of a three-part series, called Fighting Fraud (the first article appeared in the April 2 issue of The Central New York Business Journal.) In this series, we will define occupational fraud, review statistics of the incidence of fraud, identify red flags, and discuss types of fraud, and the steps employers


Defining a green job?

President Barack Obama touts the number of green jobs in the American economy — 3.1 million to be exact — reminding us that these are “the jobs of the future.” The president is eager to expand federal subsidies to “create” even more green jobs. The president’s claim is based on data collected by the U.S

Small Business Calls for End to “Gotcha Government”

There is one less bureaucrat at the environmental Protection Agency now. The arrogant senior official slipped, publicly expressing the Obama Administration’s view that punishment akin to ancient Roman crucifixion awaits any business that dares oppose the powerful bureau. In typical Washington fashion, a media storm arose, the official resigned and the head of the EPA

Yes, the soft skills still matter in our high-tech world

Recruiting has become increasingly high-tech, between the Internet, social media, content-management systems, applicant-tracking systems, and now mobile recruiting. It’s easy to assume that candidates with technical savvy are the ones we want. But have we come to rely too much on technology and not enough on personality? If you want a successful hire, cultural fit

New York faces another iceberg

Think of New York State and its 3,200 employer-entities (state, county, municipal, school districts, towns, villages, and public authorities) as the Titanic, steaming on its maiden voyage. Now think of the Empire State’s off-the-books debt as icebergs. New York dodged one financial iceberg April 1 when it approved a balanced budget without the usual resort

We Have Gotten Awfully Regal

Maybe it’s my imagination, but we seem to have gotten awfully regal in this country. That’s what came to mind when I heard about the kafuffle over our Secretary of Defense. Leon Panetta has been flying home to California most weekends — on Air Force jets — costing taxpayers $32,000 per round trip. The Defense

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