Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
OPINION: New Biden HUD regulation interferes in local zoning
A Few proposed regulation by President Joe Biden’s Department Of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would once again attempt to meddle in state and local governments’ affairs by conditioning federal funding including Community Development Block Grants on changes to local zoning laws. The rule, once again titled, “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing,” was offered in January […]
OPINION: The House GOP Caucus Revolt Isn’t All Bad
Now that it’s settled down to just a low simmer, the revolt by members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives has mostly left the front pages. But it would be fair to say that it hasn’t been resolved — merely cooled for the moment. Since it could flare up again
OPINION: Biden losing Millennials as 2024 rapidly approaches
President Joe Biden, who is seeking reelection in 2024, before he was elected in 2020, enjoyed national polling leads among key age demographics across the country, with a solid base of support among younger voters. He led 49 percent to 32 percent among 18–29-year-olds and 54 percent to 33 percent among 30–44-year-olds against former President
OPINION: Russian uprising remains a mystery
Recent events in Russia have been surprising, even shocking. When the private army employed by Russia’s Wagner Group left Ukraine and moved toward Moscow last month, it caught everyone by surprise. We’re used to thinking of Russian leader Vladimir Putin as a dictator who has complete control of his country. Maybe he does, but the
OPINION: New York’s Radical Climate Agenda is Getting Out of Hand
There does not seem to be any limit to how far New York State’s left wing will go in the name of climate-change extremism. Since the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) was passed in 2019, Albany Democrats have been racing to completely overhaul the state’s energy grid with little consideration given to the
OPINION: In the Constitution, Congress Comes First — In Real Life, Not So Much
There is a reason the founders started with Congress when they created the blueprint for our representative democracy. It’s the institution closest to the American people. This isn’t just political theory. For all their faults, members of Congress throughout our history have tried to stay close to and understand their constituents. They still do. More
OPINION: Overlooked Priorities Mark a Disappointing Albany Session
As legislators, we are charged with developing legislation to improve public safety, the economy, and the quality of life here in New York state. Unfortunately, over the last six months, not much of the legislation that passed moved the needle on any of these fundamental considerations. New York state is one of the least affordable
OPINION: Politicians take diverse roads to leadership
I wrote recently about international Leaders, world-changing figures Like Nelson Mandela and Mikhail Gorbachev. Today, I want to give credit to women and men I worked with in the U.S. Congress. Some are well-known and some aren’t, but all served their constituents energetically. Some were Democrats and some were Republicans. Some were conservative, some liberal.
OPINION: Federal Reserve pauses interest-rate hikes for now
The Federal Reserve has halted increasing its target interest rate, the Federal Funds Rate, at 5 percent to 5.25 percent, as consumer inflation reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) continues to slow down, now down to an elevated 4 percent the past 12 months. The prior month, it was 4.9 percent. The
OPINION: Remembering Remarkable Leaders
Nelson Mandela would walk into a room, and it would light up immediately. He had an eye-catching smile and a compelling, captivating personality. He exemplified charisma. In meetings and discussions, he would insist on shaking hands with everyone before starting business. He was one of the most remarkable figures I met in public life, and
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.