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OPINION: Why Trustworthiness Matters in Our Democracy

Early this year, the Gallup organization came out with a survey of Americans on how they view the ethics of various professions. Nurses ranked at the top. Doctors, pharmacists, and high-school teachers did well, too. Real-estate agents and bankers were considered about average. Down at the bottom? Telemarketers. And members of Congress. Over the course

OPINION: Decline in U.S.-China student exchange is troubling

The relationship between the United States and China is the most consequential bilateral relationship in the world, and it is growing increasingly contentious. It will take a lot of knowledge and understanding — on both sides — to manage it without slipping into a new Cold War. That’s why it’s especially worrisome to see reports of


OPINION: Our System Can’t Work Without Compromise

If you’ve been paying attention to national news, you know that one of the big topics preoccupying Washington is a debate over lifting the debt ceiling. So, for that matter, is overhauling Social Security.  Many Democrats and Republicans alike are dug in on how, and under what conditions, Congress should act on these key issues. But

OPINION: Democracy should improve the lives of people

We Americans tend to think it’s self-evident that our system of government is superior. We value the freedom, independence, and individual rights that are part of our democratic system. We take for granted that we should elect our leaders and hold them accountable. But we should not assume everyone will see democracy the way we

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