Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
OPINION: 850,000 jobs return as U.S. economy continues reopening
But unemployment rate ticks up to 5.9 percent in June The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ monthly jobs report is actually two distinct surveys — one of employers (the establishment survey) and one of people (the household survey). It is not uncommon for these two surveys to significantly diverge in their findings. In June, the establishment survey […]
OPINION: How Do We Assess Congress?
If you look at the polls of how Americans feel about the job Congress is doing, they’ve been remarkably consistent for the last few decades. The institution’s favorability rating, as measured by Gallup’s monthly surveys, hasn’t been above 50 percent since 2003. These days the favorability rating of Congress is in the low 30s — though that’s
OPINION: Globalization Shapes our Lives
Globalization has transformed our planet, again and again. It touches every part of our lives: the food we eat, the entertainment we enjoy, the ways we communicate, the products we buy. For many of us, it shapes the way we earn a living in an increasingly connected and interdependent world. The constant flow of people, goods, information,
OPINION: End of state of emergency is welcome news but should have happened sooner
The announcement [on June 23] that the declared state of emergency for New York State would not be extended was welcome news for all New Yorkers. Weeks ago, the Assembly Republican Conference called for an end to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive order. Unfortunately, when Democrats in Albany had an opportunity and responsibility to return checks and balances
OPINION: Congress should not use tax increases for infrastructure
President Joe Biden has announced a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure spending bill via budget reconciliation but has not told the American people how they can afford it under current deficit-neutral rules. Given the massive growth in government spending due to emergency COVID spending, the only approach is to revive bipartisan-sequestration rules from 2011 that prohibit
OPINION: Congress needs to stop spending to staunch rapid inflation rise
The prices that suppliers are charging businesses and other customers rose again [in May], adding to inflation pressures bubbling through the U.S. economy. The Labor Department said [June 15] that its producer-price index rose 0.8 percent in May from the prior month, up from the 0.6 percent increase in April from March. The average rise between 2017
OPINION: Whatever You Think of It, We’re Global
No matter how hard we try, we really can’t avoid one another. We live in a world where what takes place somewhere else on the globe has a very good chance of affecting us — along with many others. The pandemic, of course, is a useful — if sobering — example. A virus that infected humans in
CEO FOCUS: Southwest Airlines, Welcome to Syracuse
One of the most consistent priorities identified by our members large and small and across every sector — is air service. We regularly hear about the need for more competition, lower fares, and more nonstop destinations. And of course, [that leads to] the inevitable question: when is Southwest coming? [Now], we can answer that question, as
OPINION: The Middle East Commands our Attention
Looking back over the years that have been involved with foreign policy, I find it noteworthy that policymakers spend so much time and attention on the Middle East. It has only 3 percent of the world’s population and is not particularly wealthy or powerful, but the world watches and is often fixated there. The region is in
OPINION: Time to end national economic-emergency measures
May’s drop in unemployment makes clear the economic emergency is over. As states continue to reopen their economies, it is having the obvious anticipated impact of lowering the unemployment rate. [The U.S. Department of Labor’s May report showed a drop in unemployment from 6.1 percent to 5.8 percent.] The number of people on temporary layoff declined by
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.