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OPINION: Lessons from 9/11 that Congress Could Learn

Most Americans alive 20 years asgo remember where they were on Sept. 11, 2001. They remember the airplane hijackings, the attacks, and the collapse of the Twin Towers. They remember the nearly 3,000 who perished.   As our nation refocuses on that searing event, it will be tempting to pay attention to the lessons we have learned in

OPINION: Offering A Way Forward

They say you should expect the unexpected, but no one expected the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the events of the last 18 months have turned our lives upside down and changed the way we live.  Granted, life was already full of stress and challenges before the coronavirus made it to the U.S. But when it did arise,

OPINION: Indispensable figures show sweep of U.S. history

You can get a sense of the sweep of American politics and history by identifying a few of the indispensable men in our country’s history.  There are many, of course, and my list is quite limited. Similar lists of indispensable women could be developed; and they have been, by the late broadcast journalist Cokie Roberts and others. 


OPINION: It’s a big mistake not to continue with Cuomo’s impeachment

The [Aug. 13] decision to drop the impeachment investigation of Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a massive disservice to the goals of transparency and accountability. Gov. Cuomo offered his resignation on Aug. 10, amid multiple scandals and with several ongoing investigations looking into misconduct in his office. The announcement came exactly one week after Attorney General Letitia James

CEO FOCUS: As Governor, Hochul Will Unite & Lead

State’s new leader has strong regional knowledge After an unprecedented year of challenges, our state and region are poised for a needed and significant resurgence. Distractions mean lost time, and lost time means lost opportunity. The important work of this state must continue now, without disruption, under new leadership so that we can focus on a

OPINION: The Corrupt Reign of King Cuomo is Over at Last

The corrupt reign of King Cuomo is over at last, but the fight for justice and accountability is just beginning. Investigations into [Gov. Andrew] Cuomo’s abuse of power, corruption, and criminal misconduct must continue [even after his resignation.]  Cuomo should be immediately prosecuted, not just for sexual harassment and assault, but also for his deadly nursing-home policies

OPINION: Rights are at the center of our political life

Over my years in public life, I  conducted many hearings that  included comments from members of the public. I remember well that people often said when asserting a claim: “It’s my right as an American citizen.”  That is a compelling statement that goes to the core of what it means to be an American. We deeply value

OPINION: Encouraging Engagement in I-81 Public-Comment Period

The U.S. Senate [on July 28] voted to move forward a historic $550 billion infrastructure bill. While there are still several legislative steps ahead of its full passage, it’s $110 billion investment for highways holds the power to transform communities like Central New York.  Furthermore, it comes as the long-awaited Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the

OPINION: Why Voters Vote as They Do

Maybe it’s just a professional preoccupation, but I have always been intrigued by why voters cast their ballots as they do. I’ve never made a formal study of it but have talked with plenty of them over the years, and one thing sticks with me from those conversations — there is no one thing. People

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