Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
OPINION: Can the U.S. Sustain the International Order?
We don’t often think that how the United States conducts itself at home has much impact on how we face the world, but it does. You’d be amazed at how closely people in countries all over the globe follow events here and count on the U.S. to lead the way. When it’s messy at home, it’s hard […]
OPINION: Cuomo profiting from book deal during pandemic was wrong
We [recently] learned that Andrew Cuomo’s book deal was worth more than $5 million — yet another fact he hid from the public until finally forced to reveal it through tax disclosures. His decision to publish a self-promotional book during the deadliest public-health crisis of our lifetimes was wrong in both principle and process. As taxpayer-funded employees
4 Ways Continued Remote Work Could Torpedo Business and Career Success
The rise of remote work has changed the face of business, and in some cases brightened the outlook for employees weary of battling traffic during morning and late-afternoon commutes. Many of those employees hope their companies will stick with this new work-from-home reality even after the pandemic is nothing more than an unhappy memory. But despite the
OPINION: Refugees Strengthen America
We Americans have long prided ourselves on offering a safe haven to people seeking refuge from conflict and repression. The theme is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Refugees have contributed immeasurably to American life. They include world-changing figures like Albert Einstein and
OPINION: How Much Will New York’s ‘Green New Deal’ Cost Taxpayers?
Predictably, a public hearing on the implementation of the State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) yielded little information about how much the massive environmental bill is going to cost New Yorkers. The size and scope of the bill is enormous, and the measures contained would completely overhaul the state’s energy sector. Members of the Assembly
OPINION: Supporting Our Health-Care Heroes
For more than a year, our state, and indeed the world, has been fighting against a pandemic in a way that has not been seen in over a century. This time, we have the benefit of countless experienced and professional medical personnel to guide us through it. Doctors, nurses, EMS workers, custodial staff, and many more employees
OPINION: We’re Stronger as a Country When More People Vote
There is a fight going on over the heart of our democracy, and I worry that democracy is losing. Over the last few months, several states have moved decisively to make it harder for their citizens to vote, and more are on tap. It’s hard to tell yet whether this is just a blip or an actual
OPINION: New York is last U.S. state to hit Tax Freedom Day
Once again, New York has found itself on the bottom of several major tax rankings, highlighting why so many residents have left the state and why our economic recovery will be an uphill climb. According to a report from the Tax Foundation, New York has the worst Tax Freedom Day — a hypothetical day that represents how
OPINION: We Still Value the “Common Good”
The phrase “the common good” and its importance in our history has always impressed me. I’ve been wondering about the history of the idea — where it comes from, what it means, and the impact it has. The concept goes back a long way. Aristotle wrote about forming governments to achieve security, justice, and other benefits for
OPINION: Assessing the $212 billion state budget for 2021-2022
After a delay lasting a week longer than the due date demanded of us by state law, legislators recently passed the state budget mostly along party lines in Albany. With a $212 billion total, an all-time high due to pandemic spending paid for by federal deficits, it was an epic blowout. There are undoubtedly some smart things to
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.