Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
Every year right after an election, I would find a small pile of requests waiting for me from journalists. They wanted some sort of comment on what it all meant. “What are the voters telling us?” they’d ask. It’s human nature to want to make sense of such a complex picture — to draw conclusions […]
OPINION: Time to Get Back to Business
The National Small Business Association (NSBA) congratulates all of the winners of the 2020 elections and looks forward to a productive nonpartisan working relationship that can address the many issues that face the small-business community. Many small businesses that have been severely impacted by the pandemic are barely treading water at this point, due in-part
OPINION: America Needs to Step Up to the Challenges
Having won the election for U.S. President, Joe Biden now has an opportunity to take stock of America, to assess where we have been and where we are going. With voting now behind us, I see several trends that will challenge President-elect Biden and his team. We do not seem to have a strategy to
Election Numbers Encouraging Sign for Democracy, Assembly Minority Conference
[November 3rd’s] historic election was the culmination of a truly remarkable effort from representatives at every level of government. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, an enormous number of voters in New York state were able to safely cast their ballot and participate in our democratic process. Residents in New York should be proud
President Trump was right about vaccine timing
President Donald J. Trump was ridiculed and scoffed at by bureaucrats at the FDA when he repeatedly stated that a vaccine was nearing completion, possibly by election day. [The Nov. 9] announcement by Pfizer Corporation that they have a vaccine that is 90-percent effective just six days past election day is proof that the president was right.
Why an ACA Repeal is Bad for the Economy
The U.S. Supreme Court appears likely to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA), leaving the central aspects of the law in place. It’s a good move, not only for Americans’ health, but also for the economy. The ACA has been law for a decade now and provides affordable, government-subsidized health insurance to tens of millions
OPINION: Fewer Workers, Not More Jobs, Explains N.Y.’s September Jobless-Rate Drop
New York state’s unemployment rate has fallen sharply since the economically devastating pandemic lockdown last spring. But as New York Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli points out in his latest economic report, the jobless rate doesn’t tell the whole story. In September, the state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 9.7 percent was down 2.8 percentage points from
OPINION: Report Shows New Yorkers Eager to Leave
Tax climate and COVID weigh on residents Residents in New York want out; and as recent tax rankings show metrics that illustrate New York continues to have one of the worst economic climates in the U.S. — it is no surprise they are fleeing in droves. According to the latest study from Redfin, New York and
OPINION: Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court is a triumph for the Constitution
Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court is a great victory for the U.S. Constitution. It is another great victory for constitutional government. Most Americans agree with Justice Barrett that the Supreme Court should apply the law as it is written and leave the legislating to the people’s elected representatives. We are grateful
OPINION: The Power of the Minority
As the United States Senate held hearings and debated the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, attention understandably focused on the policy implications of a likely 6th conservative vote. What received less notice was an important political fact: Barrett’s confirmation will mean a majority of the Supreme Court will have been put there
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.