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A Lie by Any Other Name Stinks Just as Much

Why don’t we trust our politicians? For the answer, look no further than a recent column by Larry Elder in Investor’s Business Daily ( He began with a quote from a politician. The pol railed against illegal immigrants. They disrespect the rule of law, he said. “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United […]

Governor’s Mismanaged Economic-Development Spending Needs Oversight

Over the last several years, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has made big promises to the people regarding his many economic-development programs. However, they have cost taxpayers billions of dollars and cost the state billions in potential tax revenue. The governor’s signature programs like START UP-NY, the Regional Economic Development Council awards, the Upstate Revitalization

What to Look For in a Politician

Have you already made up your mind about how you’re going to vote — at least by party — in this year’s important mid-term elections? I hope not. Because to serve our nation well at this troubled time in its political history, you should be looking for certain qualities in the politicians you favor. Ideology,

Governor’s Budget Proposal Spends and Taxes Too Much

After spending some time poring over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s budget proposal, it leaves me with the same sense of disappointment, as it is filled with downstate-heavy spending, costly programs, and hidden tax increases. The governor has spent his early weeks of the year setting his gaze on higher office and touting a lofty progressive agenda,


State Considers More Business Killing Regs

Unfortunately, New York State has a habit of creating policies that punish businesses. In the past two years, business owners in New York have had to ingest several onerous mandates such as new wage orders, higher minimum wages, and a new paid family leave policy.  Now the Department of Labor is considering another mandate, known

The Parade of the Deplorables

All hail the rise of the schlubs. Along with the fat biscuit-faced folks. And the hinters of our hinterland. And the frumps of Frumptown. That is my reaction to the recent nasty attacks by celebrities on Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary whose job requires her to spend a lot of time on

Buyer Be Wary of Academic Dunces

Have you ever wondered whether we should have a warning label on college courses? “Warning: this course is taught by a professor who has proven he is a dunce.” Your child can sign up for a course at Princeton with Professor Paul Krugman. He won a Nobel Prize in economics. He writes for the New

They’re Toasting Marx Again

Maybe you have seen some of the many reports indicating that a lot of our college students love socialism. They love even Marxism, the seedbed for socialism. Many hate filthy capitalism.  This is understandable. Many university profs love the two. They preach-teach accordingly. Carnegie Mellon Institute is openly celebrating Karl Marx’s 200th birthday. Various profs

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