Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
If you build a pile of pension money, they will come. By “they,” I mean people who want to use the money to push their
We Need to Pass Synthetic-Drug Law Reform, Rules Reform, and Help for Flood Victims
During these last weeks of the 2017 State legislative session, I am pushing for increased penalties for synthetic-drug dealers, legislative ethics and rules reform, oversight
Europeans: Enough with the snickers. How about you pay up?
Are you overly sensitive if you find the attitudes of NATO leaders repugnant? Several of them seemed to snicker and smirk when President Trump spoke
Someone is out to get you; Count on it
Most of us work at finding ways to do a better job, advance in a career, and become more successful. That’s commendable, but we may differ on how to go about getting there. While most are straightforward, tackling one challenge after another, others do it differently, and their actions leave marks that affect our success.
Transforming New York’s Power Grid for a Clean-Energy Future
In the past decade, New York State has cemented itself as a national leader on energy policy and environmental quality with initiatives like the Clean Energy Standard, Reforming the Energy Vision, and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Combined with competitive electricity markets that drive efficiency and support the growth of renewable resources, these initiatives are
Albany’s Most Ridiculous: 10 Bills You Won’t Believe They Proposed
While New Yorkers have been struggling to make ends meet, get to work, and even trust their government, legislators have spent time crafting proposals so ridiculous they’re laughable. Reclaim New York sifted through thousands of bills, and found more than two dozen frivolous pieces of legislation to boil down to the 10 most ridiculous. “New
Disbelief in our Political System
I’ve had many conversations recently that convince me our country is divided into two political camps separated by a deep and uncomfortably wide gap. No, I’m not talking about liberals and conservatives, or pro- and anti-Trump voters. I’m talking about people who believe in politics and our political system, and people who don’t. I’ve found
How To Stay Young in Retirement
Mohr Keet of South Africa bungee jumped when he was 96, landing himself in the Guinness Board of World Records. Yuichiro Miura of Japan climbed Mount Everest when he was 80. Not everyone in the golden years of life will attempt and accomplish such extraordinary feats, but most people can take steps to keep themselves
As everyone knows, owning and operating a small business is risky. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), 50 percent of new businesses will survive five years or more. The percentage of businesses that will survive 10 or more years is only 33 percent. The probability of survival increases with the firm’s age. It
The Budget Process Remains Broken
Think about this for a moment: Two days away from a federal shutdown, Congress comes up with a stopgap measure to keep the government operating — for a week. A few days later, it arrives at a bipartisan budget deal lasting a bit over four months. This, in turn, moves the president to take to
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.