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Those Who Know Congress Best Are Shaking Their Heads

I had the good fortune [recently] to spend some time in Washington, D.C. with about a dozen former members of Congress. As you’d expect, we got to talking about the current Congress. Very quickly it turned out that the same question was troubling all of us: Why is it held in such low public esteem? […]

An Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Dear Governor Cuomo: As you know, we seem to have a little corruption among the politicians of our wonderful state. In the interests of New York, may I humbly offer a few suggestions? They are on the same theme of making lemonade out of lemons. Or cat food from stinking fish. Or soil enrichment out

Cut Corruption Off at its Roots

Scandal after scandal, Albany has been unwilling and unable to police itself on matters of public corruption. It is so bad that shocking headlines involving corrupt public officials have now become commonplace. Those in power are so accustomed to wallowing in the muck and mire of political corruption that it’s as if they prefer it

START-UP NY program stalls on reporting results

On April 1, the state faced a deadline to release a report enumerating the results of the START-UP NY program, [which sets up tax-free areas for businesses associated with colleges and universities]. But no such report has been released, which is not surprising considering the abysmal track record this governor has demonstrated with transparency and


It’s time to get rid of the IRS

Tax deadline day has passed. Whew! To honor that glorious day, here is a request: All in favor of destroying the IRS, please raise your hand. Wow, look at that sea of hands. Some of you have raised both hands. I don’t blame you. Especially those who are surrendering. Getting rid of the IRS is

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: State’s minimum-wage increase, family-leave legislation will cost jobs

Dear Editor: Studies demonstrate that legislative-imposed minimum-wage programs like the one recently included in Albany’s 2016-17 budget agreement increase unemployment, drive business relocations, and undermine manufacturers’ ability to retain employees. A 2013 Bureau of Labor Statistics study found that a $1 minimum wage increase translates to a 1.48 percent unemployment increase, a 0.18 percent decrease

President & Pope Miss the Mark in Cuba

You say you would like to go to Philadelphia for the Fourth of July? Do you have permission to leave your home town? And, do you have permission from Philadelphia to visit? Oh, you also want to go to Bermuda in September? In other words, you want to go to jail? This is how I

Beyond Transparency, We Need Accountability

Over more than three decades in Congress, I had the chance to question many federal officials. Most of the time I wasn’t after anything dramatic — I just wanted to understand who was responsible for certain decisions. How often did I get a straight answer? Almost never. It was easily one of the most frustrating

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