Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
Protecting Critical Infrastructure Is An Investment In The Future
New York’s roads and bridges give us all a way to connect with each other. They are our way to get to work, to school, and to friends and family. Without a strong and reliable network of critical infrastructure, New York risks losing a resource that drives the economy and allows us to be competitive […]
Washington does nothing about the economy
Can you cite a major initiative on the economy this year? From Congress? From President Obama? How about last year? Or the year before? Or the year before that? Any major move on tax reform? On economic regulations? On economic policy? Well, there must have been some. After all, our economy is “Job One,” right?
Agriculture is Big Business in CNY and New York State
Agriculture. It’s one of our region’s oldest and undeniably most important economic sectors. In 2012, agricultural production was worth more than $5.7 billion in New York state. Of the state’s total land area, 23 percent or 7 million acres are being used by 36,000 farms to produce a very diverse array of food products. Today,
What an exciting election we have in New York this year. In this corner, we have a governor who may be indicted weeks before the election. Or maybe during the weeks after it. Federal prosecutor Preet Bharara loves to hint about this. But when it comes to deciding, he is about as decisive as the
Radical Legislation Would Give Illegal Immigrants Right to Vote
It is important to remember that we are a country of immigrants and that all people should have the opportunity for a better life. Our history and heritage derives from the millions who have immigrated to the United States and become U.S. citizens. Each year, naturalization ceremonies are held throughout the U.S. in which foreign
Common Core Still Leaves Room for Improvement
The New York State Department of Education recently released the assessment results for third through eighth graders. The Department of Education reports some gains were made statewide over last year’s results. Statewide, the percentage of students scoring on the math exam at or above the proficient level (receiving a score of 3 or 4) increased
NUAIR Alliance establishing CNY as leader in UAS industry
One of the most rewarding aspects of this job (as president and CEO of CenterState CEO) is seeing, firsthand, the transformative effects that new growth and development have on our communities and the people who live here. As a kid who grew up in Utica, at a time when the Griffiss Air Force Base was
Trade Mission to China was an Eye-Opening Experience
For the last month, in nearly every conversation with CenterState CEO members and community partners, I have been asked about CenterState CEO’s recent trade mission to China. Quite honestly, it’s been difficult to distill such a powerful, provocative, and perspective-changing experience into just a few short paragraphs. As someone who has been fortunate enough to
National job growth falls short in August
ROMBEL ON BUSINESS U.S. employers added 142,000 net jobs to their payrolls in August, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported Friday. That was
Buying Local Assists Economy, Friends, and Local Tax Base
During the first week of September, the nation pauses to celebrate Labor Day. The holiday was created in the 1880s and by 1894, Congress passed an act naming the first Monday in September officially as Labor Day. The holiday grew in popularity as labor organizations grew across the country. Labor Day was created to encourage
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.