Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.
New York Tax Reform and Fairness Commission Outlines Reforms
It is widely understood that New York is a high-tax state. New York state citizens are acutely aware of this fact. It is hardly surprising then that the governor, being the politician that he is, has appointed not one, but two, commissions to examine how to reform the Empire State’s tax system. The first commission […]
Wage Theft Act Reform is Needed
The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is urging the New York Legislature to repeal the annual wage-notification provision of the Wage Theft Prevention Act. “The wage notification and acknowledgement requirement of the Wage Theft Prevention Act provides little, if any, additional benefit to employees,” Ken Pokalsky, vice president of government affairs for The
Facts about Free Markets and Pope Francis
Pope Francis tells us lately the free market is a wicked enemy. It must be restrained. He calls it a “new tyranny.” He insists the successes of free markets have “never been confirmed by the facts.” Ronald Reagan used to say that facts are stubborn things. On economic matters the president had a better grip
“Heroes” in mythology are endowed with great courage and strength; they are celebrated for their bold exploits. “Heroes” can also be people who risk or sacrifice their lives. My heroes are those entrepreneurs noted for building thriving regional corporations and for nurturing our communities through their generosity of time, treasure, and talent. Communities grow and
This no doubt happened to you at points in your life. My guess is that it left a bitter taste. Something similar is leaving that bitter taste with millions of Americans today. It happened to me when I was a young executive with a small manufacturer in upstate New York. The owner promised me a
What Big Retail Chains Really Took
If you look around our cities and towns, you have to know that big retail chains destroyed a way of life. Today you shop in malls instead of small stores — in supermarkets instead of corner groceries. Department stores died. Eventually Walmart will offer everything from brain surgery to funerals — and all that. The
Give active military a tax break
Our all-volunteer military is the most effective in the world because of the men and women who risk their lives every day to protect us. Their service is essential to our nation’s security, but it places an enormous burden on them and on their families as well, and we owe them our support and our
It’s time to stop pampering seniors
MYTH: Older Americans need exceptional protection because they are poorer and more vulnerable than the rest of society. REALITY: Incomes and net worth for the elderly have risen since 1989 while dropping for the young and middle-aged. The economic and financial status of older Americans was spelled out in a study released in September by
Veteran’s Day is a time we honor our veterans and thank them for their service. We pause to reflect on their lives and appreciate how their sacrifices keep us safe and protect our country and our freedoms. I’ve always believed that New York State should do more for our veterans. We can’t rely solely on
Kids Don’t Fit Into Molds: Why Should Their Education?
Being a father and now a grandparent, I’ve learned that kids just don’t fit into molds. So why should their education? Kids learn in a number of different ways, and teachers know how to teach to these different learning styles. Common Core is threatening to break apart the productive relationship our children have with their
Stay up-to-date on the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Syracuse, Central New York and beyond.