Celebrating CNY’s Economic Champions

It takes a vision to see a challenge and create new opportunities. Recently, I was again reminded of the impact we can all have when we decide to take on the risk of executing our vision.

When we (CenterState CEO) decided to transform our traditional business show, we did so with the goal of helping our members do more business with one another. Our vision for this new event included engaging key decision-makers to drive new connections and stronger leads. At our first ever B2B Marketplace, more than 550 one-on-one meetings, not to mention countless informal hallway conversations, created relevant, qualified connections for the 52 companies who participated in the Business Exchange. I have been amazed and energized by the positive feedback we have received on this new format. I am confident that this event will continue to grow as the premier event in our region to connect businesses.

One of the focal points of the B2B Marketplace was our Economic Champions Luncheon, where we recognized 261 companies as 2014 Economic Champions for launching 49 businesses, creating 2,369 new jobs, investing more than $1.1 billion in equipment and capital improvements, and adding more than 2 million square feet of space at their locations over the last year. These achievements, no matter how big or how small, are the result of leaders having a vision for the future, for not just a single company, but for the entire community.

And this is just a fraction of some of the most impressive and often under-recognized projects and accomplishments taking place across our region that our members are behind. Every dollar invested and job created has a meaningful impact on our economy. This impact was brought to the forefront by the three visionary business leaders — Ed Riley, Hotel Syracuse; Dave Katleski, Empire Brewing Co.; and Mac Cummings, Terakeet — who joined us to share their stories.

It was also inspiring to hear about the progress happening in the Hawley-Green neighborhood of Syracuse, driven by Laura Serway and Cindy Seymour of Laci’s Tapas Bar, the recipients of our inaugural CenterState CEO Community Visionary Award. These small-business owners are proving that there is no limit to the amount of good we can achieve when we work together.

All told, more than 1,500 members of the business community came together for these combined events to celebrate the results of our individual and collective visions. I am truly grateful to those of you who helped make the new B2B Marketplace an incredible success, and I congratulate this year’s Economic Champions for their ongoing contributions.       

Robert M. Simpson is president and CEO of CenterState CEO, the primary economic-development organization for Central New York. This editorial is drawn and edited from the CEO Focus email newsletter the organization sent out on Oct. 31.

Robert M. Simpson: