ChaseDesign, which focuses on product, packaging, and retail design, is occupying most of the second floor of the Post, per the company’s announcement.
The firm is bringing about 100 employees to its new Syracuse location. The company also has an office in Cincinnati, Ohio with more than 20 employees along with an office in New York City, per its announcement.
“[Chase Design is] excited for our team to create the next 65 years of the ChaseDesign story, here, in the rich and exciting center of downtown Syracuse,” Joe Lampertius, company president, said. “We wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for Dave Chase’s vision to build a world class design firm focused on product, packaging, and retail design.”

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Founder David Chase launched the company as a small industrial-design firm on Oak Street in Syracuse in 1957 before moving the company’s office to Skaneateles.
The new space includes a honeycomb-style office layout with views overlooking Clinton Square; multiple, tech-driven conference rooms; employee and client meet-up spaces; and “state-of-the-art” model/retail labs.