WATERTOWN, N.Y. — CHJC (Children’s Home of Jefferson County) announced it has appointed Dr. Deepraj Singh as its new medical director.
She will be supervising the medical staff and providing treatment and services to consumers of the Community Clinic of Jefferson County.
Dr. Singh is a board-certified psychiatrist with more than 10 years of experience, including diagnosing, evaluating, and treating mental health, as well as substance-use disorder issues. Her past experience also includes leadership roles such as medical director for an admissions center as well as inpatient programs. She later became chief medical officer of a local county crisis hospital.
Dr. Singh says she strives to provide a comfortable atmosphere and a thorough evaluation. She believes in the holistic approach to care, and this has led her to join CHJC which has a similar mission, per a news release from the organization. She aspires to integrate the biopsychosocial aspects into evaluation and treatment.
Singh graduated from Albany Medical College and completed her residency at Drexel University. She joined the Drexel University faculty and began to teach resident physicians and medical students. Dr. Singh started out her practice in emergency psychiatry. She is also certified in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and performed ECT for persons with severe depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders.
“Our team at CHJC is beyond excited to welcome Dr. Singh to our Medical and Leadership team. Dr. Singh has a wealth of practice knowledge, and we are thrilled to partner with her strategically as we continue to develop our services to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities,” CHJC Executive Director Dr. Marianne DiMatteo said in the release.