Companies with 5-50 Employees
1. Aerotek
2. ISSI Technology Professionals
3. The Marrone Law Firm
4. Dwyer Architectural, LLC
5. Grandjean & Wagner, Inc./Choicepay, Inc.
6. CPS Recruitment
7. Site-Seeker
8. ABC Creative Group
9. Delmonico Insurance Agency
10. Turner Construction Company
11. Image Auto LLC/Congruent Story
12. HOLT Architects
13. The Digital Hyve
14. Xavier & Associates
15. IV4
Firms with 51-150 Employees
1. BCI-Empire Division
2. Servomation Refreshments
3. Miller Mayer, LLP
4. Crest Cadillac-Acura
5. Usherwood Office Technology
6. Bankers Healthcare Group
7. Metro Fitness Clubs
8. Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, Inc.
9. ICS
10. Dermody, Burke & Brown, CPAs, LLC
11. The Bonadio Group
12. Galaxy Communications
13. Delta Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors, DPC
14. Generations Bank
15. Bowers & Company CPAs, PLLC
Companies with more than 150 Employees
Working Another Job While on FMLA Leave is Not Necessarily Misconduct
Imagine this. You have an employee who is on leave pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and you discover that the employee is working for another employer.
The Importance of Relationship Banking for Small Business Success
Small business owners wear many hats. Each day can bring on new challenges requiring valuable time and focus – especially in the competitive economic environment we live in today. The
1. Driver’s Village (tie)
1. Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc. (tie)
2. Hearth Management, LLC
3. DUMAC Business Systems, Inc.
4. CXtec & Teracai
For much more information on each of the honored companies and why they are a great place to work, check out the special commemorative publication in the Oct. 16 issue of The Central New York Business Journal. The event was presented by the Business Journal News Network and produced by BizEventz. They partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct the CNY Best Places to Work survey. The study identifies and recognizes the best places of employment in Central New York, based upon a survey of employees to gauge workplace satisfaction. In addition to being honored at the awards gathering, organizations received a report of their individual findings.
The event’s platinum sponsor was CH Insurance. Matt Park, the voice of the Orange and Cuse TV host, was the evening’s emcee.
Contact Rombel at