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Digital Reach Platform, Inc.

415 W Fayette St.
New York
Contact Name: Marny Nesher

Digital Reach Platform is a digital-marketing agency that marries traditional marketing with the vast array of technology tools available. The agency has more than three decades of experience in news media, marketing, promotion, and advertising, strategizing with companies and deploying both traditional and digital options. Since our launch, the staff has focused on ROI: Getting results for our clients by connecting cost-effectively with carefully targeted audiences. We have learned to move quickly and make changes in real time to respond to the changes of the marketplace. Our expertise is in the B2B marketplace, especially in helping those companies which do not have a marketing staff or need to complement the existing staff with certain areas of expertise. While we pride ourselves on employing cutting-edge technology, we emphasize old-fashion customer service that communicates regularly with our clients and responds quickly.
