Madison County Sheriff’s Office arrests two Chittenango women for welfare fraud

Lisa M. Janaskie, age 38 of 8674 Lake Road in Chittenango, was arrested and charged with three felonies of welfare fraud in the 4th degree, offering a false instrument for filing in the 1st degree, and grand larceny in the 4th degree, as well as the misdemeanor of perjury in the 3rd degree. “It is alleged that Janaskie filed a fraudulent application for public assistance with the Madison County Department of Social Services. [She] failed to report her total monthly income and employment which resulted in Janaskie receiving $1,334.00 in public assistance between the dates of January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018 that she was not eligible for,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a release Janaskie is directed to appear at the Town of Lenox Court on Oct. 23.

Danielle M. Cummings, age 38 of 1647 Fyler Road in Chittenango, was arrested and charged with welfare fraud in the 4th degree and grand larceny in the 4th degree, both felonies. “It is alleged that Cummings failed to report her earned income from employment to the Madison County Department of Social Services. As a result, Cummings received $2,560.00 in public assistance between the dates of February 1, 2018 and May 31, 2018 that she was not eligible for,” the release stated. Cummings is also directed to appear at the town court Oct. 23.

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Photo credit: Madison County Sheriff’s Department

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