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Pinckney Hugo marks 10 years of double-digit growth

How does a company get listed on the Inc. 5000 list six years in a row? For the Syracuse–based marketing-communications firm Pinckney Hugo Group (PHG), LLC, the answer is to post average annual, compounded revenue growth of 25 percent to 30 percent.  “Capitalized billings are now $38 million with gross revenues running at $15 million

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Anaren reports decline in sales and profit

DeWITT — A nearly 20 percent drop in sales resulted in a more than 30 percent profit plunge in the fiscal fourth quarter at Anaren, Inc. (NASDAQ; ANEN), which reported its earnings Aug. 6 after the market close. Anaren’s net sales for the quarter ending June 30 fell 19.1 percent to $38.2 million from $47.2 million

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Upstate consumer confidence rebounds slightly in July

Upstate New York consumers grew slightly more willing to spend in July, according to a monthly survey from the Siena (College) Research Institute (SRI). SRI’s overall consumer-confidence index for upstate New York rose 2.1 points to 71.3. The increase marks a reversal from June, when the index plunged 5.5 points. Although July’s bump up in confidence

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SUNY Upstate completes work on Geneva Tower residence hall

SYRACUSE  —  The State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical University completed surgery on a high-rise in Syracuse, converting it from the vacant Townsend Tower into a residence hall it now calls Geneva Tower. The building, which officially opened Aug. 2 at 500 Harrison St., now holds 139 apartments in one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and four-bedroom

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Study: In 2011, more than half of doctors adopted an EHR system

Last year, 55 percent of physicians had adopted an electronic health record (EHR) system. That’s according to a study report issued this July by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) unit of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Younger doctors are embracing EHR at higher rates, according to the study. It found that

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New York Brace Systems bolsters doctors, patients

SYRACUSE  —  A new orthopedic-equipment provider in Syracuse aims to lend doctors a crutch and support patients who are learning how to strap on their knee braces. New York Brace Systems specializes in equipment ranging from splints to continuous passive-motion machines, which move joints following surgery. The equipment provider, which is located in suite 112

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Let’s Grow NY’s Economy, Promote Opportunity and Prosperity for All

A recent, important report from the State Budget Crisis Task Force discussed the many fiscal challenges facing state and local governments largely driven by the explosive growth of Medicaid spending, unfunded mandates, and underfunded public-pension liabilities, and other factors. The recent rise in New York’s unemployment rate to about 9 percent also provides further impetus

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