SYRACUSE — The State University of New York (SUNY) Empire State College held its Syracuse commencement this past weekend at the John H. Mulroy Civic Center.
The Syracuse event honors students educated at the Auburn, Binghamton, Fort Drum, DeWitt, Ithaca, Utica and Watertown offices, the school said in a news release.
The graduates in the Syracuse ceremony are part of more than 3,000 that Empire State College expects to graduate this year in 42nd commencement.

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The school’s graduation ceremonies started in Buffalo and Syracuse on May 31 and will conclude June 14 on Long Island, according to the school.
The Central New York Center traditionally has not had a keynote commencement speaker. Instead, the school chooses three students to speak and share their story about their working lives and reaching graduation day.
Empire State College, the nontraditional, open college of the SUNY system, says it educates more than 20,000 students worldwide at eight international sites, more than 35 New York locations, and online at the associate, bachelor’s, and master’s levels.
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